Breed description: The Border Collie is a well balanced, medium-sized dog of athletic appearance, displaying style and agility in equal measure with soundness and strength. Its hard, muscular body conveys the impression of effortless movement and endless endurance. The Border Collie is extremely intelligent, with its keen, alert expression being a very important characteristic of the breed. Any aspect of structure or temperament that would impede the dog's ability to function as a herding dog should be severely faulted. The Border Collie is, and should remain, a natural and unspoiled true working sheep dog whose conformation is described herein. Honorable scars and broken teeth incurred in the line of duty are acceptable.

Puppies in Massachusetts for sale

On this page we have links to breeders in Massachusetts. Instead of navigating through our breeders list you can find a puppy for sale by selecting the state below that you are insterested in buying a dog. You can also find the option to search for a dog by the zip code. This will make it easier for you if you are looking for a dog in your local area or if you know the zip code where a breeder is located.

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Two Wonderful Pups  
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Puppies for sale in New Bedford MA
I have two wonderful Border Collie/ Mini Aussie pups. They are full of energy, but loving adorable guys. They are pad/crate trained and are 7months old. We would like to have them placed together. Great dogs! We are not able to keep them due to our work schedual.  They know how to fetch, they love playing with tennis balls, and sit. They also know the word, "no"! Please feel free to email me with any questions, Thanks, Randi
508 858 8473
[ Breeder Location (New Bedford  MA)  

  Two Wonderful Pups
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Puppies for sale in New Bedford MA
Two wonderful little male Border Collie/Mini Aussie pups up for adoption. They are 7 months old, and we are not able to keep them due to our work scheduals. They are very energetic, crate/house trained and full of love. They know how to sit/fetch and the word "no".  Please contact me via email at,   Thanks! Randi
508 858 8473
[ Breeder Location (New Bedford  MA)
