Breed description: Should be of full size, but by no means heavy. Brow pronounced, but not high or sharp. There should be a good length and breadth, sufficient to give in a dog hound a girth in front of the ears of fully 16 inches. The nose should be long (4½ inches) and wide, with open nostrils. Ears set on low and lying close to the cheeks. Most English hounds are "rounded" which means that about 1½ inches is taken off the end of the ear. The teeth must meet squarely, either a pig-mouth (overshot) or undershot being a disqualification.

Puppies in MICHIGAN for sale

On this page we have links to breeders in MICHIGAN. Instead of navigating through our breeders list you can find a puppy for sale by selecting the state below that you are insterested in buying a dog. You can also find the option to search for a dog by the zip code. This will make it easier for you if you are looking for a dog in your local area or if you know the zip code where a breeder is located.

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